
Season 7, Episode 1: ‘Time Zones,’ part 6

I hate Sally Draper. Every episode revolving around the girl is so painfully awkward. I suppose that is the point, however, and I’m sure that the final season will continue the trend. My best guess is that Sally will get pregnant from that weird boy who wanted Betty’s hair.

No matter how the show ends, it will never change the fact that Don Draper was the character we followed for seven years as the lead. I’ve always viewed it as Peggy’s show to some degree, especially as she was the character introduced as the audience stand-in in the first episode. Where her arc ends up is up is a mystery, and I definitely look forward to seeing it through.

Bert Cooper dying would have to happen fairly early in the season, as his death wouldn’t pack the same kind of punch as the death of Roger or Don. I could easily see the death of Roger Sterling and Sally’s impregnation finally making Don realize what he has to do to regain control of his life.

As far as Linda Cardellini is concerned, she is a beautiful lady, but she broke up Cory and Topanga, and I can never forgive her for that.

Will Megan die? One can only hope. Would that finally push Don over the edge and through a window? I’ve never believed them to be truly in love, but I also seriously doubt Don wants to end up with Betty again.

Don’s journey has been about the clash of his past and his present. At times, he seemed to live two lives, being Don Draper to some and Dick Whitman to others. It appears, however, as though he is coming to terms with himself as both Don and Dick: one man whose history is not something to be ashamed of, but something to learn from.