
What We’re Pouring: May 21, 2014

BREWERY: Weisses Brauhaus G. Schneider & Sohn, Kelheim, Bavaria, Germany
BEER NAME: Schneider Weisse Unser Aventinus (Tap 6)
STYLE: Weizenbock
ABV: 8.2%
TASTING NOTES: Pleasing brown color when poured into a German style stein, light white head, clove and slight ginger spice on the nose (much like a Belgian dubbel), but on the tongue strong notes of banana bread, clove, and even sour fruit at the finish. Well-rounded beer and smooth, but hearty.
A-  ~JW

BREWERY: Full Sail Brewing Company, Hood River, Oregon, U.S.A.
BEER NAME: Session Black Lager
STYLE: Black Lager
ABV: 5.4%
TASTING NOTES: Decent balance of flavor and drinkability factor; hints of coffee, roasted barley on the nose, and even chocolate on first taste, but is not overpowered and weighty. Even the malt factor is minimal, making this an easy-to-drink beer. Not anything complex, but a refreshing beer at a decent price, perfect alternative beer for lounging on the deck this Spring, especially if pale ales and light beers aren’t your thing.
B  ~JW

BREWERY: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, Milton, Delaware, U.S.A.
BEER NAME: 90 Minute Imperial I.P.A.
STYLE: Imperial / Double India Pale Ale
ABV: 9%
TASTING NOTES: Amazing, and as Esquire Magazine has stated, it is quite possibly the best I.P.A. brewed in the States. Golden in color, raisin on the nose. This beer is complex, yet undemanding. Extreme barley notes, abundant hops (as one would expect), and almost a brandy/sherry-like creaminess that comes through with the alcohol. An exquisite sipper that deserves careful appreciation. Paired well with honey-mustard grilled chicken.
A  ~JW

BREWERY: Brewery Ommegang – Cooperstown, New York, U.S.A.
BEER NAME: Hennepin
STYLE: Farmhouse Ale / Saison
ABV: 7.7%
TASTING NOTES: Hazy golden yellow with a thick white head when poured, the nose is yeasty, with enticing aromas of clove, citrus, and yellow cake. The first sip is crisp and tart, very effervescent, starting with lemon and ginger, followed by orange and spice. Really tasty malts, and the hops are so well integrated, they’re barely noticeable. The beer is nice and dry all the way through the delicious finish. A really tasty saison, crisp and refreshing. I want another.
A-  ~BG

BREWERY: Brewery Ommegang – Cooperstown, New York, U.S.A.
BEER NAME: Three Philosophers
STYLE: Quadrupel Ale
ABV: 9.7%
TASTING NOTES: Pours a reddish brown color with dark fruits on the nose, dominated by  black cherries but also including figs, caramel and bready yeast. Sweet malts shine through when tasting, with flavors of plum, cherry, molasses cookies, and hints of spice and brown sugar. A bit sweet, but delicious.
A-  ~BG

BREWERY: New Belgium Brewery – Fort Collins, Colorado, U.S.A.
BEER NAME: Summer Helles
STYLE: Munich Helles Lager
ABV: 5.0%
TASTING NOTES: Pours pale yellow with a soft white head. The nose is a bit tight, but toast, fresh baked biscuits, hops, and honey come through. The taste mostly follows the nose, along with floral hops and a hint of lemony citrus. Easy-going, refreshing, not complicated.
B  ~BG

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About Bill George

Bill George writes the "Bottled & Corked" wine column for, with an emphasis on the Finger Lakes region and on wine under $25. He is a Boston Red Sox fanatic, teaches and designs shows for high school marching bands, and is in constant search for laughs. Bill works at the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and lives in Dillsburg with his wife, Jolene; son, Samuel; and Labrador retriever, Sydney.