Tag Archives: Cesaro


Start new movement in WWE: We want Dolph!

Not every professional wrestling fan is the same. Some still watch as if it’s all real. Others insist that while some of it is obviously scripted, there is also plenty that isn’t.

And then there are those fans, like me, who know that the moves hurt, the shows are predetermined, and the performers are incredible athletes and artists. These fans also have a tendency to analyze every single aspect of a professional wrestling show until they no longer enjoy them. I am no different.

Over-analyzing ruins our enjoyment of pro wrestling. We watch every match and get offended when our favorites lose or when we think a bad decision was made. (Though, really, everybody was offended when The Undertaker lost at WrestleMania XXX.) Instead of being impressed by the performance of these amazing athletes, we put too much stock into who gets to win in a fictional fight.

Non-fans look at us and question why we care so much, but the answer isn’t as crazy as it sounds. Despite being predetermined, the amount of money earned by a wrestler is directly connected to his place on the wrestling card and whether or not he wins these fictional matches. So, when Batista returned to WWE to win the Royal Rumble match after being gone for four years, he guaranteed himself hundreds of thousands — perhaps millions — of dollars for working a WrestleMania main event most fans believed belonged to Daniel Bryan or CM Punk.

In response, the fans took over the shows, shouting at WWE for its mistakes and showing that “the WWE Universe” would not accept the injustice. Though Punk left the company, possibly in protest against the Batista decision, Bryan was rightly given the chance to headline WrestleMania and earn the money, and the moment, he deserved.

Bryan appears to be the leader of a new movement in WWE centered on incredibly talented young workers like Cesaro, the Shield, and Bray Wyatt. I want to be happy with what we are being given, especially since the last few big events have been so good. I’ve even come to consider myself a true fan of professional wrestling again.

However, there is still one person WWE is ignoring, one who deserves another chance to be treated as a top star. That is Dolph Ziggler.

Ziggler is arguably the best or second-best wrestler in WWE; only Bryan can be considered better, though there are others who are close. Every match in which Ziggler competes is an absolute show-stealer. He consistently makes bad wrestlers look great, taking his opponents’ big moves and making it look like he was hit by a Mack truck every time. Viewers believe he is about to win matches when he hits moves that have never before given him a victory simply because he is so great at getting fans invested in every hit, toss, and pin. Ziggler does it all while exuding a cockiness and swagger (not Jack) that is hard to miss. In short, Dolph Ziggler is a true star.

If being successful in professional wrestling is completely dependent on having “the look” and being able to speak well, then Ziggler should be esteemed on the same level as The Rock. Ziggler is in spectacular shape and has been for years. He’s incredibly athletic and boasts a six-pack that could make Channing Tatum jealous. He’s no slouch on the microphone either. Every single time Ziggler is given the chance to speak, he hits it out of the park.

Ziggler is technically a two-time world champion in WWE. Neither of his title reigns, however, holds any significant place in history. His first championship lasted about as long as Triple H’s entrance, and his second was spent with a debilitating concussion. Neither reign gave Ziggler an opportunity to show everyone what he was capable of, and “The Show Off” deserves that chance.

To be clear, I’m not asking for Ziggler to have another title reign anytime soon; I’d like Bryan to remain champion for as long as possible. But I do think Ziggler needs to be put back into a stronger position on the card, eventually to be seen as a credible threat to Bryan or anyone else who may be WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

Ziggler is as popular as a guy without the backing of the machine can be. Just watch his Money in the Bank cash-in last year. The crowd absolutely exploded — and Ziggler was the bad guy.

So what happened? Whose Fruity Pebbles did Dolph urinate in to get the Zack Ryder treatment? For months, Ziggler has been put lower and lower on the card, having his stock completely devalued after an overdue build-up. The fans, despite being vocal in their support for him, have become used to seeing Ziggler lose. Still, WWE managed to treat him worse.

This week on Raw, Ziggler was eliminated from a battle royal by Santino Marella. Using his finisher of an eye poke with a sock puppet. And the crowd booed. Violently. At a comedic character who is usually well-loved.

People are sick of seeing Ziggler buried in favor of those without talent or without futures in professional wrestling. The “Yes! Movement” took off because the audience saw in Bryan an incredible wrestler who worked for his entire life to reach the professional peak, despite the long odds. Now it’s time for us to get behind Ziggler in the same way.

The audience in every city needs to let their voices be heard. Let WWE know that we want Dolph. When we’re told to watch an offensive segment with a little person dressed up as a bull, we need to chant for Dolph. When we’re told to accept Randy Orton versus John Cena again, we need to say no. It’s time to tell WWE that we want Dolph.

Ziggler has worked incredibly hard to get where he is. He’s as talented in the ring or on the mic as anyone else, and he obviously trains hard to keep his body in top condition. Vince McMahon has proven he can be persuaded. Cesaro’s and Bad News Barrett’s current pushes show that. Bryan and Punk are proof that being as good as you can be can actually get you somewhere in WWE. It just requires a lot more work from the fans.

We’ve proven that it can be done: Daniel Bryan is WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Now we have to do it again. For our entertainment, and because he deserves it, tell WWE at every event you attend that WE WANT DOLPH.

One final thought: If you need proof that Dolph Ziggler is incredible, check out any of his matches on WWE Network, specifically, his work with Punk and Bryan. Make sure you tell WWE that I referred you; I could use a new t-shirt.