Tag Archives: fitness


Train like a hunter: Original Supernatural workout

With our handsome Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean, returning for the 10th season of Supernatural beginning last night, binge watching the first nine seasons of the monster-killing brothers jumped fairly high on my list of priorities. However, this impulse comes with a downside: sitting for hours makes me feel lazy. And when I don’t accomplish anything, I start beating myself up … then I feel sad, so then I binge watch … and around and around I go.

And as I was sitting there watching Dean Winchester in his tight, bright-red gym teacher shorts, I had an idea — and no, it’s not that kind of idea (well, that idea, too). Why not kick some ass while watching the Winchesters kick some ass? I mean, let’s give my fellow Supernatural fans a reason to move instead of just sitting there, letting Sloth take over their lives. (Although, the Winchesters did take him out, so we should be safe.) So I reflected on the moments that have led the brothers to where they are now and picked out some of the most repeated actions, phrases, and themes and decided to put exercises to them. I wanted to do a body weight workout so that I wouldn’t have to go through finding weights and equipment. Plus, then you can do the workout anytime you have access to Netflix and enough space to move. Without further adieu, here is the Supernatural workout (easily adaptable into a drinking game, if you’re so inclined):


While I may not be able to fight monsters and evil every day to stay in shape, I can find my own way to build some muscle and tone while watching the boys take on the real bad guys. When I did my trial run of one episode, “Everybody Loves a Clown,” from season 2, I immediately regretted my decision. Not because the workout was a flop, but because I could hardly move when the episode was over. My legs and arms burning, and I chugged 4 bottles of water. Then I turned to my screen and said, “Let’s do this.” (To no one in particular, really, because I frequently motivate myself out loud. Yes, it’s normal. No judging.)

The workout was worth every second of agony, though — much like the show itself. (ALL THE FEELS!) It was taxing and left me winded, but I just kept reminding myself that the Winchesters aren’t in fangirl-ogling form because they sit on a sofa watching TV all day. They’re killing monsters and fighting to make sure they stay alive and help people. And if that isn’t enough motivation, then there’s always the chance that being incredibly fit will impress Jared and Jensen enough to look your way if they end up single at some point in the future.
