Tag Archives: Glee


Welcome to Kansas: Gays need not apply

I don’t have a problem with homophobes. Some of my friends are homophobes. And while I don’t agree with their lifestyle choice, it’s not my place to judge others, even if what they’re doing is an affront to everything I believe in. As far as I’m concerned, they can hate whomever they want as long as they don’t try any of that with me.

And please, just don’t do it in public. I don’t want to have to explain to my (theoretical) kids why you are behaving in such a disgraceful way.

I understand it’s tough to be a homophobe in this day and age. It seems like the world is against you, constantly telling you how your way of thinking is immoral and wrong. You are being persistently attacked for feelings that are beyond your control when all you are trying to do is exercise your Constitutional right to express those feelings.

And now you have to worry about these anti-homophobic laws that are making their ways through legislatures across the world. Will you be legally persecuted just for being anti-gay? Certainly, we can’t have that in America.

Well, fear not, my friend. Kansas has heard your cry and the representatives of the people have taken steps to create a safe haven for other homophobes like you. The state’s House of Representatives last week passed a bill that would allow you and your business to express your views by denying services to the gays who offend your delicate sensibilities. If you see two men together and find yourself feeling uncontrollable feelings, you can simply tell these men to stop acting without concern for other people and kick them out.

I understand. You are the victim. Your rights to freedom of expression need to be upheld. No one should be allowed to prevent you from being who you are. It’s just a good thing you were able to stop this before Big Government started passing laws like the Nazis, preventing you from being served at public places or from getting good jobs because of who you are and what you believe. I mean, seriously, that would be just about the most authoritarian, fascistic, Hitler-esque thing one could do.


Satire aside, I do know people I honestly consider to be friends who might object to this message because they don’t agree with marriage equality or a military that does not discriminate based on sexual orientation, and that’s fine. I’m never going to change their minds, and I respect their right to hold to their positions. I even accept that some folks whom I genuinely esteem believe being gay is a sin. I disagree, but I can appreciate our differences.

The problem I have is with the victim mentality. People who disagree about marriage equality can have a civil debate. But to say that there exists some kind of nefarious homosexual agenda that aims to subjugate good Christians is an absurd lie. Many people who are gay, including friends of mine, are Christians themselves, and would never want to see their faiths harmed. They are also American and love our country because it allows them to be who they are without having to worry about government-sponsored actions detrimental to their well-being.

Most Americans, no matter where they fall on the left-right spectrum, can agree on a basic principle: we should be allowed as many freedoms and liberties as possible without hindering the rights of other human beings. Your right to call someone a demon or subhuman is just as valid as my right to say you have beautiful eyes. However, your right to kill is not more important than someone else’s right to live.

This precept holds true in civil rights as well. You have every right to hate me for being different than you, but you have no right to hurt me because of that hatred. Your problems with people who are different from you are your own and cannot be legislated — and certainly not under the guise of “religious liberty” that only applies to your own interpretation of religion.

Stop fearing the “gay agenda.” The only agenda anyone is pushing is for civil rights. Nothing that is being advocated by the LGBT community and its allies will infringe on your rights in any way. You will still have the right to hate whomever you want, and you will still have the right to be treated like a human wherever you go.

The anti-gay agenda, however, is about taking away rights, not granting them. And Republicans in the Kansas House tried to take a huge step in advancing that restrictive agenda. Thankfully, the president of the Kansas Senate has put the bill on ice. If she had not, men and women who are gay would be treated differently for who they are and whom they love. That would be someone’s “right” to hate trumping another person’s right to live, and that is wrong.

A law like the one proposed in Kansas cannot stand and would not pass even simple Constitutional scrutiny, despite what Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia would inevitably say. State law cannot violate the U.S. Constitution. In the end, a discriminatory law like this would prove a huge favor to gay rights advocates; its striking-down would set a precedent to be called upon in all future cases.

Some of you will disagree with me. I’m glad you will. We all need to have our views challenged. I welcome the debate, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Valentine’s Day a sham; no one really likes it

Does anyone really enjoy Valentine’s Day? Sure, you may think you do, and you may remember some amazing moments in the past, but did any one of those moments surpass your hopes?

If you answered yes, then you are certainly in the minority, because despite what we all want to believe, very few people — married, dating, or single — end up happy at the end of February 14.

Let’s start with the obvious. Single people hate Valentine’s Day. This day that is supposed to be celebrating the martyrdom of a Catholic Saint has turned into a greeting card holiday about expressing your undying love for that “one person” in your life. To single folks, that means a stark reminder once a year that you are alone and no one loves you. Great.

Single Valentine’s Days are the worst. If you are recently single, the day reminds you of your lost opportunities. You sit alone, watching you ex’s favorite romantic comedy, eating Ben and Jerry’s, wondering what you could have done better.

If you’ve been single for a while, like I have, you spend the entire day trying to figure out how your life got so sad that you spend your nights watching anime, hoping the kung fu god and the demon-hunting vampire will finally get together. You are left with a crushing feeling of emptiness as you wonder what it is about you that just is not good enough, while you know that plenty of the worst kinds of people are out for steak dinners and wine.

This feeling of self-doubt is usually a bogus one, too. If you love who you are and where you are in life, why does it matter if no one else sees what makes you great?

People often tell me that I need to lower my standards. Why? I’m not looking for a rocket scientist/supermodel with an encyclopedic knowledge of Batman stories. But what is so wrong with wanting a person who understands me and accepts me and is attractive to me? We should not have to settle for somebody who doesn’t make us happy.

So, if you are spending Valentine’s Day alone, drinking Captain Morgan and watching Clerks 2, just remember that it’s better than being out with someone you don’t like, trying desperately to make him or her happy, even though you know deep in your heart that you just don’t care.

I have been single for the past four Valentine’s Days. Obviously, that must say something about me. I get it. I can be pretty abrasive and very self-assured. But that certainly wasn’t always the case.

There was a time when my smugness was just an outer shell, and I was looking for someone with whom I could share the world. Valentine’s Day was the day every year when all I wanted was to be with someone and to show her how much I cared. Of course, that doesn’t make any sense. Why would I want to be with someone just so I could tell her how much she mattered on one particular day each year? Doesn’t it make more sense to actually fall in love with someone and spend a day of your choosing devoted to showing that person how special he or she is to you? Valentine’s Day acts as a constraint for some relationships in order to fulfill some false sense of what should be.

And then there are the couples. While I’m sure millions of couples have sweet Valentine’s dates with each other, how many of those dates have at least one person wondering, “Is this it?” Do these sweet dates of restaurants and movies ever truly measure up to what we expect when February 14 rolls around?

One of the few times I was actually in a relationship on Valentine’s Day, my then-girlfriend asked me what I wanted for the holiday. I, of course, trying to be sweet, answered that all I wanted was time with her. My girlfriend, sarcastic human being that she is, got me a clock and a picture of her. Time. With her. Just what I asked for.

It was brilliant. It was funny. It was completely clever and I was so frustrated by it. Not because I wanted a gift or because I didn’t laugh, but because I actually just wanted to spend time with this girl. Unfortunately, we were busy people and we really were unable to spend any time together for the holiday, so I spent the day angry.

A lot of people share stories of disappointment with Cupid’s favorite day. The problem is that we all have ridiculous hopes for what is supposed to happen, our realities shattered by John Hughes movies and every season finale of Glee. Even those among us who know not to expect much will still hold out hope that, somehow, things will change and our own romantic comedy will begin.

For those of you who are married, I first offer my respect. Marriage is difficult and requires a lot of sacrifice. But for wedded couples who are in a rut, Valentine’s Day is a painful reminder of a love whose romance has waned after years of living together, paying bills and raising kids. Sure, there are always exceptions, but I have to believe they are rare.

Marriage is obviously a different animal than young love. Marriage, when done right, is an evolving love, uniting two partners whose shared experiences will forever bind them even if their romantic feelings fade into oblivion. And for 364 days a year, that evolving love is enough. However, Valentine’s Day is the one day each year when even the happiest couples are left wanting more. They want to have a romantic dinner and a memorable night ending with fireworks and lovemaking like neither has never experienced. That won’t happen. That doesn’t happen.

In theory, Valentine’s Day is a wonderful thing. We should take a moment to tell our significant others how much we love them. Perhaps designating one day a year to this task is helpful for the aloof among us.

The problem with this holiday is only in the heightened expectations, driven by works of fiction, that destroy the beauty of those true moments of actual love between two individuals. We see so many last-minute confessions and public displays of affection that simply lying on a couch holding each other is not enough on the most romantic holiday of the year. And those of us who spend the day alone just wish we had someone to hold.

If you have someone to spend Valentine’s Day with this year, I hope you enjoy yourself. Treat each other well, and make sure you remember that this is the real world and not a Nicholas Sparks novel. Love each other for who you are, not what you want your partner to be.

Those of us who are likely to spend the day alone will be sad. But don’t worry about us. There’s always Netflix.